Migraine?Needs help?


I used to struggled with migraines quite often until I find out the cause.

Although I needed medicines 2-3times in a week, I don’t take it even in a month nowadays.

How did I do?

I took another look at Minerals.

  1. the cause of migraines were “lack of Minerals”
  2. What I did before for my headaches
  3. What I do for prevent migraines these days

the cause of migraines were “lack of Minerals”

My daughter liked “Enbun Charge” which is Salt tablet sales in summer for avoiding heatstroke.

ソノタ OTHER 塩分チャージタブレッツ 塩レモン フード・サプリメント フード価格:237円
(2024/2/19 17:22時点)

After she had enough of it, we still have a lot of stocks.

I have no choice but eat them.

Since I started eating I didn’t have migraines or headaches.

Over 2 weeks without any pain I firmly realized my lack of minerals.

What I did before for my headaches

Before I realized the cause of headaches I tried many things.

  1. drink water
  2. Take Iron Supplements
  3. drink Saji One
  4. Zukkinon
  5. Massage
  6. drinking water is very important. Although too much drinking doesn’t have a positive impact for your body. Too much is not good for anything. My situation, I drank too much and it makes dilutes salt in the body.

2. Taking Iron supri made me a little bit feel better. But the impact was not great.

3. Saji one is quite popular among influencers and young mothers. I believed it and drank it about a half year, but it didn’t suit me.

4. Apply to skin and massage with Zukkinon. It effectives for headaches caused by stiff shoulders. When you feel stiff shoulders, It may helps prevent headaches.

5. If someone can massage your shoulders and head, that would be more than great.

In addition to the above, I did cool my head with ice , Sleep well , and Eat healthy.

Those didn’t very helped me. Taking medicines are very easy and quick to cure headaches. But I didn’t want to take medicine so friquency.

What I do for prevent migraines these days

I check nutrition facts when i buy a salt. It must contains Potassium and Magnesium.

I take hot water called “SAYU” in Japanese every morning with salt. especially “shinpoen” is very good for me. It tastes like hot spring egg. Maybe it’s because of smells of sulfur. I use Shinpoen not only for Sayu but for everything I cook.

I highly recommend it

Avoiding take white sugar. White sugar steals vitamins from your body. I try to use brown sugar instead. Eventho I really like cakes, snacks…. 

Anyway, that was my way to avoid migraines and headaches.

If you already try to take irons and it didn’t really works, Please try take an another look for minerals.

Thank you for reading.

I hope this idea will help someone.

Bye now!

